Yipee!...Harwin Pottery now has an outlet on Prince Edward Island.
That's right: "You build it and they WILL come!"
Located in a rural setting, in the courtryside on the north shore of PEI, King's County, is an out of the way surprise. Harwin Pottery is announced by a large red lettered sign posted on the south side of the well house roof facing route 16. Passersby get an unexpected surprise when they realize that in the middle of absolutely nowhere is a Pottery Barn. Recently, a beautifully hand crafted sign has been added to the roadside. A special thank you goes to Marie for her conception of the sign, and to Shawn for the final product. You guys are the best!

In a matter of three short weeks, dozens of visitors have entered the new site and checked out the workings of "The Accidental Potter". The chats have been fun and the experience has fulfilled a dream, a simple one, but still a dream.
In a building, formerly a wood-house, chicken-house and granary, Harwin Pottery and crafts made by Harwin Enterprises are on display for the enjoyment of the shoppers. Gerry, our master carpenter friend and buddy was busy during the first three weeks of July framing, flooring, and finishing the first stage of construction on "the cottage". Featured inside the building is a functioning toilet in a washroom framed in 2 x 4's. 4 windows, a new loft space and stairs, shelves and electrical have been added.
Gerry, the master carpenter busy at work!

pottery in its
new home
photocards knitted toques Driftwood mobiles

this beautiful sign makes it all OFFICIAL!
this pottery was featured in a gift shop in Cavendish PEI last summer and was just awaiting our return.
Already I have received much encouragement to increase production for next summer. I promise to do what I am able in order to meet this challenge.
Thanks to all my visitors and supporters along the way.
Wait till I post pictures of the well house billboard!!!
I'll be back, much sooner, with my next post.